Thursday, December 14, 2023

Holy Sarah Divine


An Emoji Devotional for Thu, Dec 2023

Topic: Holy Sarah Divine


"She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.” Genesis 16:13

This is probably Hagar's Theory: That "there is a God who comes through to help those passing through hard times" but if you reason this matter again from Genesis 16:7-8

An angel of God found her beside a spring in the desert; it was the spring on the road to Shur. He said, “Hagar, maid of Sarai, what are you doing here?” She said, “I’m running away from Sarai my mistress.”

Genesis 16:7‭-‬8 MSG

Hagar words at Beer-lahai-roi also mean that God knew her intentions because she was caught up in the web. Hagar was running away from her Mistress Sarai. It seems at this point that she was in trouble, Sarai sensed through the Holy Spirit that Hagar was in distressing situation and prayed for her. Sarah has Angels protecting her in records of time since Genesis 20:2-3 because through her God's plan will manifest. 

"But that night God came to Abimelech in a dream and told him, “You are a dead man, for that woman you have taken is already married!”

Genesis 20:3 NLT

God was very interested and concerned about Sarah's in His plan for humanity: shows that Sarah is God's treasure and Holy Sarah is Most Valued in Heaven, She has her own place in heaven - for via Sarah and Abraham the breed of all the generations of God's elect and God's glory plan on eternal world through faith was designed and determined. Sarah's the Heavenly Mother Mary in reincarnated person who came again to birth, Jesus Messiah. 

"The angel of the Lord told Hagar, ‘Go back to Sarai. You are her servant and you must obey her.’ Genesis 16:9 EASY

The above verse shows the kind of Person Sarai is* -She is an eternal being (After her death she returned to her position as the Divine Mother of accomplishments of Unified Queen of New Jerusalem". In the value of context Genesis 16:13: Hagar was saying, you can not hide from "Holy Mother Sarai's God" 

Wherefore the well was called Beer-lahai-roi; behold, it is between Kadesh and Bered.

Genesis 16:14 KJV

Finally when Isaac was meditating on the arrival of his wife whom he had not seen, He went to the same place to invite the presence of Holy Mother Sarah Divine Presence to help him connect His dream wife. 

"Isaac was living in the Negev. He had just come back from a visit to Beer Lahai Roi. In the evening he went out into the field; while meditating he looked up and saw camels coming. When Rebekah looked up and saw Isaac, she got down from her camel and asked the servant, “Who is that man out in the field coming toward us?” “That is my master.” She took her veil and covered herself.

Genesis 24:62‭-‬65 MSG

You can ask El Lahai Roi to help you in difficult situations and guide you home in Jesus name.  

"And God said unto Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called."

Genesis 21:12 KJV

God insist that Abraham listens to (hearken - and do whatever) Sarah tells Him in Genesis 21:12

Prayer: God of Holy Sarah, Jehovah Lahai-Roi, please come to my aid right now in Jesus name. 

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