Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Corporate Anointing

An Emoji Devotions for Tue, 30 March, 2021

Topic: Corporate Anointing


... The Lord took some of the Spirit Moses had. And he gave it to the 70 leaders. With the Spirit in them, they prophesied, but just that one time. Number 11:25b

And Christ gave gifts to men—he made some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to go and tell the Good News, and some to have the work of caring for and teaching God’s people.
Ephesians 4:11

Like the army generals in the military, Christians, also do have a commander-in-chief of saints who is Jesus Christ. Our first highlighted verse showed how God redistributed to seventy elders the Spirit in Moses. Same thing happened in the new testament in John 20:22 when Jesus was departing in flesh from his disciples Then he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit."

What is a corporate anointing? As the word "corporation" simply means a company owned by stakeholders and shareholders, same thing applies to corporate anointing, the power that abide in the assembly of individuals filled with the Holy Ghost through the salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ. Anyone who is n Christ is a new creature and where two or three of these are gathered in the name of Jesus he is there midst. 2 Cor 5:17, Matt 18:26. That is why all Crhsitian leader must ensure their workers and core members operates in the Holy Ghost.

Have ye received, since ye believed,
The blessed Holy Ghost?
He who was promised, gift of the Father,
Have ye received the Holy Ghost?

After a Christian is baptized by immersion, the next is to be filled and operate in the Holy Spirit and finally continue worshipping with the gathering of other believers. Iron can sharpen iron.
In the same way, people can help each other. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. Proverbs 27:17, Hebrews 10:25. That is where the corporate anointing is. And when you share from corporate anointing your oil will never run dry. (Please read Matthew 25:1-13)

Prayer: Dear Lord, Give me oil in my lamp and keep me burning for you till the close of the day. In Jesus name.

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