Thursday, March 25, 2021

Taking Advantage of Quality Relationship with God

 An Emoji Devotions for Thu, 25 March ,2021

Topic: Taking Advantage of Quality Relationship with God


Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is right for him. Genesis 2:18

We are most alive when we are in relationship with someone we love. Listen, people of Israel! The Lord is our God. He is the only Lord. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength. That's the first commandment but How do you love someone you don't know? The advantage of having relationship with God is knowing Him. All I want is to know Christ and the power of his rising from death. I want to share in Christ’s sufferings and become like him in his death. Philippians 3:10 ICB

How do you have Relationship with God according to the Bible? Psalm 34:5 They looked to him, and were radiant. Their faces shall never be covered with shame. "The man and his wife were naked, but they were not ashamed." Genesis 2:25 In a quality relationship there is no shame. But God said .."I will make a helper who is right for him" in Genesis 2:18 later on The Lord was sorry he had made human beings on the earth. His heart was filled with pain. Genesis 6:6 And God had to wipe men away. Jesus Christ later came and said "I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper. He will give you this Helper to be with you forever." How wonderful will that helper be! What a wonderful opportunity to have that helper right in our lives!

We all need a stronger helper, bigger and better which is the spirit of truth, the Holy Spirit according to John14:17 to take advantage of relationship with God. This is the helper we all need - Helper that will teach us everything. He will cause us to remember all the things Jesus told us. This Helper is the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in Jesus name. My question is this! Have you received the Holy Ghost since when you believed? Act 19:2a If you have not have not received the promised Holy Spirit you need to ask now because without the Holy Spirit you cannot take full advantage of quality relationship with God.

Prayer: All mighty God please send the Holy Spirit into my heart as promised in Jesus name. Amen.

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