Thursday, July 15, 2021

There's a River


An Emoji Devotions for Thu 15th July 2021

Topic: There's a river


There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. Psalms 46:4

I do hear people say things like " there is a restaurant over there, they have delicious delicacies big people do go there to eat." "There is a very big dog in that house it can bark woof woof". How many of you have heard about people using something to describe a place. Something like there is a white house with black gate in the entrance of that street. The river, flowing calmly and smoothly along in the city of the Lord as stated in our highlighted verse, may be only a symbol of the peace and blessing of the Divine presence. As a Christian, you should give room to that river of Divine presence to flow through you.  Do you carry divine presence of God with you? Do you know that the divine presence of God makes the heaven glad about you? Do you know that if you carry divine presence the angels will hover around you like an orbit even though you do not see them. When you carry divine presence of God, you carry life of God, you carry joy and you carry the map of a hopeful destiny with you. 

"You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand" Psalm 16:11

The Holy Spirit is the divine presence of God. He is a helper that protects and guides his own. If you don't genuinely accept Jesus as your Lord and savior, you cannot have the Holy Spirit divine presence with you. Be born again today. The old sinful way of life cannot help but destroys. It is the divine presence that gives us joy and success. 

Never stop reading the Bible and keep praying always. It is where you will find the divine presence of God. If you obey Jesus completely, you will have good success. Joshua 1:8.

There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. It is the Holy Spirit divine presence of the most High God. Choose Him today so that your tomorrow will be filled with joy forever. Amen

Prayer: Holy Spirit please come and show me the way to genuine salvation of your divine presence in Jesus name. Amen

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