Monday, December 20, 2021

Great Words of Elihu

An Emoji Devotions for Mon. December 20, 2021

Topic: Great Words of Elihu

God always does right— and this knowledge comes straight from God. You can rest assured that what I say is true. Although God is mighty, he cares about everyone and makes fair decisions. The wicked are cut down, and those who are wronged receive justice. God watches over good people and places them in positions of power and honor forever. But when people are prisoners of suffering and pain, * God points out their sin and their pride, then he warns them to turn back to him. And if they obey, they will be successful and happy from then on. But if they foolishly refuse, they will be rewarded with a violent death. Godless people are too angry to ask God for help when he punishes them. So they die young in shameful disgrace. Hard times and trouble are God's way of getting our attention! And at this very moment, God deeply desires to lead you from trouble and to spread your table with your favorite food.

Job 36:3‭-‬16 

Prayer: Lord I depend on you, please Have mercy on me and my loved ones. For without you I am nothing. In Jesus name. Amen

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