Sunday, December 5, 2021

Twelve Baskets

An Emoji Devotions for Sun, 5th December 2021

Topic: Twelve Baskets


They all ate as much as they wanted, and afterward, the disciples picked up twelve baskets of leftovers. Matthew 14:20 NLT

How come there were twelve Baskets of leftovers after five loaves and two fish were eaten by five thousand in addition to women and children? Jesus gave the food to the disciples, and the disciples were serving people one by one. Someone took heavy portion of the loaves at once and passed on the the rest to the next person and once it gets to them, they have enough also to take and pass to the next person. In the end it was a miracle that fed over five thousand people to satisfaction.

As the disciples were still baffling about the big miracle, some folks among the crowd who had too many bread and fishes left with them began to return them to the Disciples: "Sir I have loads of bread here and many fish left with others. we even overfeed ourselves and please where can we drop the leftovers? 

They fetched to for up to twelve Baskets as they collect the leftovers from people. Twelve is an important number in Christianity and in adulthood. It means a completeness.

A little boy gave up his food to begin this story. Have you considered giving today. As Jesus multiplied to feed thousands, He will multiply what you give. As the little boy received complete abundance (financial, health, protection) for a reward. Be rest assured that you will not be forgotten when you give to the Lord. 

The gospel is helping many lives including yours. No matter how little it may seems towards the big project. Give!

Prayer: Lord please give me an opportunity to give unto you something that you will use to bless your Kingdom in Jesus name. Amen 

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