Tuesday, February 15, 2022



An Emojis Devotions for Tue 15th Feb 2022

Topic: Sanballat


When Sanballat heard that we were building the wall of Jerusalem, he was very angry and upset. He started making fun of the Jews.

Nehemiah 4:1 ERV

Someone like Sanballat is making fun of you. They think you cannot amount to something relevant. They look at your shoes and say "what a choo!". To such people, you do not have importance because they know your background and believe in their mind that nothing good can come out from your Nazareth. But that is not the truth!

The truth is that your life is not written by those Sanballat folks. Your life is written by God who made heaven and earth. That is why God sent Jesus to change people's stories. In John 5:5 There was a man who was sick for 38 years but on the day he met Jesus, He was healed and his story changed. Jesus raised the dead Lazarus in John 11 and He said in verse 25 that The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;

It is a mystery. This is what salvation is all about. Jesus is the power gate to hope of transformations and recovery (Colossians 1:27) He is gateway to second chance in life and He is the one who give an unimaginable recovery to people to people whose hope are dead. Matthew 8:2-3

Without Jesus there is no opportunity for a leper to be made whole. Jesus is the miracle you have been looking for. You must have a relationship with him by reading your Bible, listening to messages, reading life giving devotional and stories. If you don't know Jesus before, you should close your eyes and open your mind and call him Into your life. "Lord Jesus come into my heart and save my soul".

Don't look at the Sanballat making fun of you. Jerusalem was built and the Temple was restored. Israel will remain Today and forevermore and no Sanballat can stop it. Admit to Jesus today and that is the way. 

God bless you as you look on to Jesus today

Prayer: Lord Jesus you are mystery of hope. Please come into my life and save me and perform your life changing miracles in my life today. Amen. 

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