Tuesday, March 8, 2022

God is dependable: Trust Him


An Emoji Devotions for Wed March 9 , 2021

Topic: God is dependable; Trust Him


“Lord GOD, with your great power you made the earth and the sky. There is nothing too hard for you to do. You are loyal and kind to thousands of people, but you also bring punishment to children for their fathers’ sins. Great and powerful God, your name is the Lord All-Powerful. You plan and do great things. You see everything that people do. You give a reward to those who do good things, and you punish those who do bad things—you give them what they deserve. You have been doing powerful miracles in the land of Egypt until now, in Israel and elsewhere. You are the one who made yourself as famous as you are today. You used powerful miracles and brought your people Israel out of Egypt. You used your own powerful hand to do this. Your power was amazing!

Jeremiah 32:17‭-‬21 ERV

Whatever you aspire to be in life, it is only God that can take you there in reality. As different as reality is when compared to imaginations, God knows all the technology and science of bringing great things to reality. Have you ever wondered if God has been good to you? A song lyrics says:

O Lord my God,

When I in awesome wonder

Consider all

The works Thy Hand hath made,

I see the stars,

I hear the mighty thunder,

Thy pow'r throughout

The universe displayed,

When through the woods

And forest glades I wander

I hear the birds

Sing sweetly in the trees,

When I look down

From lofty mountain grandeur

And hear the brook

And feel the gentle breeze,

Then sings my soul,

My Savior God, to Thee,

How great Thou art!

How great Thou art!

In Jeremiah 32:33-34 God was talking to Jeremiah: He said :

“They should have come to me for help, but they turned their backs to me. I tried to teach them again and again, but they would not listen to me. I tried to correct them, but they would not listen. They have made their idols, and I hate those idols. They put their idols in the Temple that is called by my name, so they made my Temple ‘dirty.’

Jeremiah 32:33‭-‬34 ERV

When we walk with the Lord 

In the light of His Word,

What a glory He sheds on our way;

While we do His good will,

He abides with us still,

And with all who will trust and obey.

Trust and obey,

For there's no other way

To be happy in Jesus,

But to trust and obey.

God wants a relationship. He wants a Father and child interaction. It's not weird to tell God about things happening and ask him to show you the way. After all He is wiser and the all powerful God. 

Put God first, when you wake up and talk to Him first and before you sleep. Show your appreciation. God will do big things in the lives of people who honor him. God has promised to do good things for His children.

What you should want most is God’s kingdom and doing what he wants you to do. Then he will give you all these other things you need.

Matthew 6:33 ERV

Prayer: Peace loving God of Miracles, Signs and Wonders. I cling to you for mercy. I love you and will always respect you. Please take good care of me as you always do. I will always behave myself in front to you by your grace through Jesus Christ: I will show respect to you that you are my only source of strength and my dependable companion. So Help me God.  In Jesus name. Amen

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