Thursday, May 5, 2022

Jesus Vs Prosecutor


An Emoji Devotions For Thu, May 5 2022

Topic: Jesus Vs Prosecutor


“The heavens should rejoice, together with everyone who lives there. But pity the earth and the sea, because the devil was thrown down to the earth. He knows his time is short, and he is very angry.”

Revelation 12:12 

Truth be told, The earth is the Lord's and Everything in it. But pity the earth and the sea, because the devil was thrown down to the earth. Someone is going to lay claims on everyone on earth for being guilty of offense they know nothing about. If you wonder why crazy things happen sometimes, now you understand. That since the devil is around, no one is safe. You hear about war, porn, terrorism, felonies and some atrocities done one earth and you begin to wonder.

The reason why Jesus came on the scene is to wash you with his blood. As anyone who has been washed in his blood is not guilty of offense indicted against them. Though the devil is angry, yet the blood of Jesus is more powerful. All his charges cannot go against those who are marked by the blood of the lamb. 

Romans 8:33 says 

"Who shall bring any charge against God's elect [when it is] God Who justifies [that is, Who puts us in right relation to Himself? Who shall come forward and accuse or impeach those whom God has chosen? Will God, Who acquits us?]"


1 Peter 1:19 says But [you were purchased] with the precious blood of Christ (the Messiah), like that of a [sacrificial] lamb without blemish or spot.

You see my friend, only Jesus can save us from the anger of the devil. You need the blood of Jesus Christ. Then surrender to Jesus Christ the savior of the world. Accept His as the savior of your soul by confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. Ask him to save you through his blood and avert the devil's anger. And if you are facing the anger of any form, truth be told, only the blood of Jesus can save you. Because anger has it's root from the devil. Please find a Bible believing church around you and meet with the local pastor for the process of salvation and water baptism as soon as you can. As you call on the blood of Jesus Christ to save you. You must be born again.

"Then I heard a loud voice in heaven that said: ‘Now God has saved his people from Satan's power! God has shown his great power as King. His special Messiah has shown his authority. Satan said bad things against our people. All day and all night he has continued to say bad things against believers. But now they have thrown him out of heaven. But our brothers and sisters fought against him and they won. They trusted the Lamb who died as a sacrifice. They continued to say that God's message is really true. They were ready to die as God's servants. So be happy, everyone who lives in heaven! But the earth and the sea will have bad trouble. The Devil has come down to you now. He is very angry. He knows that he has only a short time to hurt people.’ "

Revelation 12:10‭-‬12 EASY

Prayer: I call on the Lord Jesus to save me through his Holy blood today. In Jesus name. Amen. 

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