Sunday, March 19, 2023

In Line With The Good Samaritan

An Emoji Devotional for Sun, March 14 2023

Topic: In Line With The Good Samaritan


Jesus answered him with a story: ‘A man was going down the road from Jerusalem to Jericho town. On the way, some men attacked him. They took away all his clothes and they hit him with sticks. 

He was almost dead when they left him. But it happened that a priest from the temple was going down that road. He saw the man, who was lying there. But he walked past him on the other side of the road. 

A Levite was also going down the road. He came to the place where the man was lying. He saw him. But he also walked past on the other side of the road. 

But then a man from Samaria was also travelling along the road. And he came to the place where the man was lying. When he saw him, he felt very sorry for him. He went across to him. He poured oil and wine on the places where he was bleeding. Then he tied those places with clean cloths. After that, he put the man on his own donkey to carry him. They arrived at a small hotel. He took the man in there and he was kind to him.

 The next day, the man from Samaria took out two silver coins from his purse. He gave the money to the man that was taking care of the hotel. “Be kind to this man for me,” he said. “This money may not be enough. When I return, I will pay you for any more that you have spent on him.” ’ Luke 10:30‭-‬35 EASY

I may be able to speak many different languages that people or angels speak. But it's worth nothing if I don't love others. I would only make a loud noise, like someone hitting a piece of metal. I may be able to talk about messages from God. I can understand all the secret things of God and know all the facts. I can have great faith to trust God enough to move mountains. But I'm nothing if I don't love others. 

I can donate all my stuff to help the poor. I can let other people take my body to burn it. But it wouldn't help me if I didn't like other people. If I like people, I will be patient. I will be nice. I will not be jealous of others. I'm not going to be proud and say I'm awesome. If I like people, I'll be polite. I don't just want to have fun. I won't get angry anytime soon. If someone does something bad against me, I won't keep it in my thoughts. 

If I love people, I won't be happy when bad things happen. Instead, I will be happy when things happen that are right and true. If I love people, I will always accept their problems. I will always believe them. I always hope for the best. I will always be patient in trouble. Love will always continue. 

The gift of speaking God's messages will not always be necessary. The gift of speaking in different languages will one day stop. The gift of knowing special things will not always be necessary. The love you have like the good Samaritan will speak forever as a good example to those who listen to your story.

"The teacher answered, ‘It was the man who was kind to him.’ Then Jesus said to him, ‘Yes. So you should go and do the same for other people.’ "

Luke 10:37 EASY

Prayer: Lord, please help me! All the good people have gone away! No kind or faithful people remain. Please surround me with kind heart people in Jesus name. 

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