Saturday, September 16, 2023

The Need for Sanctuary Cleansing


An Emoji Devotions for Thu 15th September 2023

Topic: The Need for Sanctuary Cleansing


But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit. 1 Corinthians 6:17

The whole earth belongs to the Lord. Everybody who lives in the world and all the things in it belong to him. Psalms 24:1 ☆
There was a seal in heaven. The lion of the tribe of Judah opened the seal.

The beings that are alive and the leaders sang a new song. They sang: ‘You are so good! You are good enough to take the book. You can break its seals and open it. You can do this because they killed you. When you died, you bought people for God with your blood. You bought them from every tribe, from every language and every nation. You have caused them to belong to the kingdom of our God. You have made them priests, so that they serve God. And they will rule on the earth.’ Revelation 5:9‭-‬10 EASY

Are you aware that whoever surrender his life to be purchased by the blood of Jesus to God has become God's sanctuary. Those people who are born again were purchased from their own self-centered and self-lordship life. So who got the price? You know that our Lord Jesus Christ is very kind. He was rich, but he made himself poor to help you. So then, because he became poor, you could become rich.
2 Corinthians 8:9 EASY

So Jesus unites us with God, so God now sees us as pleasant people so He will turn us to His sanctuary. Remember this: Your body is the home of God's Holy Spirit. God gave his Holy Spirit to you and he lives in you. You do not belong to yourselves any longer. God bought you for himself. He paid the price for you. So use your body to show how great God is. 1 Corinthians 6:19‭-‬20 EASY

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father I am your Sacred Sanctuary. Please Use my body to show how great you are through the grace of Jesus Christ who bought me with His blood. Amen

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