Saturday, October 12, 2024



An Emoji Devotional for Today, 12th October, 2024

Topic: Time

Highlight: Your throne was established long ago; you are from all eternity. Psalms 93:2

Life of humans are time bound. It's ages and it gets older with time. Time is the master of human life. God cannot be bound by time. He can go back in time and also go ahead of time. Someone who think deep about God wrote Psalms 90:2 that"Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God."

Time is under the power of God is to control and refresh his memories of human race and dispensation. In Job 14:5 Job 14:5 CEVDCI Version says "Our time on earth is brief; the number of our days is already decided by you." This means God has already decided our future. So when you are living time remember Job 33:14-15, 17-20

"God speaks in different ways, and we don't always recognize his voice.  Sometimes in the night, he uses terrifying dreams God does this to make us turn from sin and pride and to protect us from being swept away to the world of the dead. Sometimes we are punished with a serious illness and aching joints. Merely the thought of our favorite food makes our stomachs sick".

Even right now we are in time and our time is decided by God alone.

When you are facing any challenges in life, the first is to seek God's face about it and beg him for mercy and intervention. Only God has seen the future before us and whatever he decides is our fate.

There was a man in Bible who changed his fate when He was told that he should prepare to die. He faced the wall and prayed that God would change His mind. And He got mercy to live for fifteen more years. In Isaiah 38:1-5, We learned that Hezekiah prayed and this has always been what Jesus has been crying loud all His days that we should Watch and Pray Matthew 26:41, so we will not enter into temptation of thinking that anything is beyond God's control.

There are 66 books in tye Bible mainly

Old Testament

• Genesis

• Exodus

• Leviticus

• Numbers

• Deuteronomy

• Joshua

• Judges

• Ruth

• 1 Samuel

• 2 Samuel

• 1 Kings

• 2 Kings

• 1 Chronicles

• 2 Chronicles

• Ezra

• Nehemiah

• Esther

• Job

• Psalms

• Proverbs

• Ecclesiastes

• Song of Solomon

• Isaiah

• Jeremiah

• Lamentations

• Ezekiel

• Daniel

• Hosea

• Joel

• Amos

• Obadiah

• Jonah

• Micah

• Nahum

• Habakkuk

• Zephaniah

• Haggai

• Zechariah

• Malachi

New Testament

• Matthew

• Mark

• Luke

• John

• Acts

• Romans

• 1 Corinthians

• 2 Corinthians

• Galatians

• Ephesians

• Philippians

• Colossians

• 1 Thessalonians

• 2 Thessalonian

• 1 Timothy

• 2 Timothy

• Titus

• Philemon

• Hebrews

• James

• 1 Peter

• 2 Peter

• 1 John

• 2 John

• 3 John

• Jude

• Revelation

Read those books of the Bible listed above to learn what God did for people who under time and seasons have used their faith to motivate God's decision over time. Our times are in your hands...Psalms 31:15

Trust in the Lord (Jesus) with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight" Proverbs 3;5-6

Prayer: God and Lord Jesus. Please bless my time with your mercies and kindness in Jesus name. Amen

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  An Emoji Devotional for Today, 12th October, 2024 Topic: Time Highlight: Your throne was established long ago; you are from all eternity....